The Road to Jerash

IMG_0170Yesterday we took a morning ride to Jerash,  a small town just 45 minutes drive North of Amman, and home to the majestic remains of the Greco-Roman city of Gerasa. While we weren't visiting the ancient ruins, they are visible from the main road into town, their gorgeous gold hue the same color as the caverns' rocks we walked through on our hike a couple of weeks ago.  I adore the contrast between the perfect clear blue sky, the sandy landscape, and the dark green olive trees - the drive reminded me of why it's so wonderful to live here.Along the highway, literally every few metres, a farmer had set up shop for the day, selling whatever is in season on his land. Some of the stands are just stacks of cardboard boxes while others are trucks opened up to display their wares. Right now there are a whole array of olives for sale, enormous ruby red pomegranates, citrus, and perfect little eggplants which are primarily used to make makdous a pickled, garlicy, walnut-filled mainstay of this region's cuisine (check out this makdous recipe). I couldn't help but stop  to explore. I now am the proud owner of several kilos of large green olives which I plan to cure myself...once I ask some of the experts in my family how they'd suggest I do so.