I Quit Sugar 8 Week Program

We are 10 days into 2017 and while my health resolutions remain the same as they were 11 days ago, I know some are searching for a new something to improve their eating habits. When I quit eating sugar over two years ago (I'm not perfect at it, but have by and large kept it up) my relationship with food and how I think about recipes changed dramatically. The 8 week I Quit Sugar program (I've now completed it twice) is a fantastic way to kickstart any resolutions you might have and learn a ton about food in the process. I've never felt as good as when I went through the program (think: lots of energy, glowing skin, clear head, good sleep) and my husband lost 25 pounds over the eight weeks, just like that! Here's a recipe and more thoughts from when I first quit back in the Fall of 2014.The next 8 week program starts on Thursday, January 12 and if you click on this link you'll get $10 (AUD) off the subscription price. Along with recipes, you'll be part of the online community, have access to experts, get an exercise program, shopping lists and lots and lots of good advice. It might sound extreme, but sugar is diet enemy number one these days with lots of research to back that claim up (here's the link to just one....and another). Give it a try....it just might change more than you think!